The Sueddeutsche Gemeinschaftsverband (SV) (South German Community Association) is a free organization in the Protestant regions church. We are a union of lively Christian communities in South West Germany. A lot of active groups and teams of different target groups mark the community. Everybody should hear from God in a appropriate way and see community in biblical example. All are warm welcome who find out more of God and search community to Christians. God’s word, documented in the bible, is our standard for lesson and life!

There are ca. 150 communities, 135 house circles, 160 womens groups, 50 SV-EC youth groups and 35 teen-circles. Over 1100 children meet themselves in children-groups and ‚Jungscharen‘.

The history of SV
At the beginning of the 20. century was a wide wake and a wish from a lot of Christians to hear Gods word deeper over the traditional Protestant church. A lot of bible circles were formed and they meet themselves regular to “Stund”. Bigger Christian communities were developed from these circles. Then they joined together to SV association. The abbreviation SV was a lot of years Sueddeutsche Vereinigung fuer Evangelisation und Gemeinschaftspflege (South German amalgamation of gospel and community care) and valid still today.

100 years South German Community Association (SV)
Over 2000 people celebrated the 100. anniversary of the foundation of the SV at the forum in Ludwigsburg on January 5. and 6. 2010. It was a great celebration of joy and thankfulness. They see a brilliant program with a 55 persons gospel choir, a travel through a century, theater play, musically highlight with Sarah Kaiser & band, video news from friends and fellow-travelers and a lot of wonderful mood. Juergen Werth, the director of the ERF (Evangeliumsrundfunk, gospel broadcasting), preached.

In district Welzheim are events at seven different places. Every week will be 130 people between 3 and 99 years reached.
Beside the regular offers community will be live at different target goups for seniors, women, men, families and repeat the gospel of the bible from coming, dieing and rising of the son of God Jesus Christ.
Apart from a lot of voluntary workers is employed a managing pastor with seat in Welzheim.

The groups and circles meet themselves in their current places (see „experience community„) in own or in rooms of the Protestant regional church.

During the service in Welzheim is room for parents with toddlers with sound broadcasting available.

Do you need room for private events?
Please ask our pastor (s. „contact„).

The work, the fitting and the pastor in our district is exclusively privately financed.

For donations:
Bank arrangement
SV-Foerderstiftung (SV-Foundation)
IBAN: DE85 5206 0410 0000 4199 40
BIC: GENODEF1EK1   (Evangelische Bank eG (registered cooperative society))
Reference: „Projekt 93200“

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